
To encourage multimedia design and development, Hong Kong Multimedia Design Association host different competitions, seminars, workshops, performance and exhibition by using cross media such as visual arts, light and sound, still and moving images, 3D and 2D graphics etc. It is our mission to excavate and support new generation and the industries in multimedia field. By organizing community events with multimedia elements, we encourage citizens to appreciate art, design and media entertainment.
把多媒體科技應用推動由藝術至學界、業界及 商界
Achieve sustainability and drive the development of multimedia art tech;
Raise industry standards to serve enterprises;
Discover and nurture new forces in the multimedia art tech design sector;
Provide more employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for young people;
Increase multimedia art tech awareness and awareness of multimedia activities and projects;
Promote the application of multimedia technology to schools, industries and
目標旨在搭建多媒體藝術界別平台並透過策辦各類型藝術活動, 將多媒體藝術、娛樂及設計科技融入各大社區;讓多媒體科技帶動文化藝術傳承及藝術科技發展, 促進粵港澳台及國際多媒體藝術科技業界交流及發展,增加社會對多媒體藝術科技技術的應用及普及化, 推動香港多媒體藝術科技傳承文化發展。
致力把多媒體藝術、設計及娛樂推動至全港社區,增加市民對多媒體藝術科技的認知; 讓學界、商界、業界的多媒體藝術及熱衷於多媒體藝術科技的青年人可參與協會所舉辦的社區義工計劃及商學界服務合作,提供實習機會; 更可透過本會提供的藝術科技就業配對計劃,成功就業,為香港多媒體設計界增加人才。
Hong Kong Multimedia Design Association (HKMMDA) is a platform aims to empower the growth of the multimedia design industry and bridging the experience with youth design lovers by mentoring and expanding the community.
We are a group of industry media specialists across sectors that pending our next generation to growth and contribute to the Hong Kong multimedia industry. And hence, we believe that we can share our experience and knowledge systematically and sustainably with other peoples through forming a better community for our designers.
With the rapid growth of digital media and technology nowadays, multimedia design becomes a key role of communication in the digital world. Combining visual computing, music composition, sound design, photographic imaging, and motion graphic with creative design, all composites of media can be performed both commercially and artistically which entertain audience and benefit the society. Hence, we strongly believe that supporting and mentoring our next generations to reunion the industry is of prior importance to the growth of Hong Kong multimedia environment.